
    C&D Website Cluster

    C&D Website Cluster

    【Supply Chain Operation】

    C&D Inc.
    Iron & Steel Group
    Paper & Pulp Group
    Automobile Group
    Xiamen C&D Light Industry Co., Ltd.
    Xiamen Kindland Co., Ltd.
    Xiamen C&D Enterprise Co., Ltd.
    Xiamen Candour Co., Ltd.
    C&D Logistics Group Co., Ltd.
    Xiamen C&D Shipbuilding and Trading Co., Ltd.
    Xiamen Goldenstar Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.

    【Urban Construction and Operation】

    C&D Real Estate Group
    Lianfa Group
    C&D Urban Service

    【Tourism and Exhibition】

    Tourism Group
    C&D Hotel
    C&D ITS
    Xiamen C& E Group Inc.

    【Medical and Health】

    C&D Innostic Medical
    Xiamen Humanity Hospital
    Xiamen Humanity Rehabilitation Hospital
    Xiamen Humanity Nursing Home

    【Emerging Industry Investment】

    C&D Emerging Industry Equity Investment

    【Enterprises with Investment and Equity Participation】

    King Dragon Life Insurance
    Xiamen Airlines
    Xiamen Farah Electronics
    Xiamen International Bank
    Xiamen International Trust
    Xiamen Rural Commercial Bank

    C&D Website Cluster
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    Opening match of "WEPADEL TOUR of 2022 Xiamen International Fashion Week" hosted by C&D successfully concluded


    The opening match of the 2022 Xiamen International Fashion Week's "WEPADEL TOUR" was successfully held in Xiamen C&D One Park from August 6th to 7th. The tournament was directed by Xiamen Sports Bureau and the Shanghai Tennis Association, and was hosted by the organizing committee of Xiamen International Fashion Week and co-organized by Xiamen C&D Starlight Fashion and Culture Co with joint support from Xiamen C&D One Park and others. This emerging sport event has been promoted by Xiamen International Fashion Week ever since the WEPADEL bi-city tournament in 2021.

    Reportedly, in 2018, the China Tennis Association officially promoted the sport of padel throughout the country. This tournament, aside from promoting the growth of padel in China, also does a degree to enrich the sports and leisure culture of Xiamen. The venue used for the tournament is situated in the center of the first floor of Xiamen C&D One Park, serving as the first-ever padel sports venue in Xiamen and will be intended for padel enthusiasts in the days to come.
